Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Isaiah 1:1

Who is Isaiah?

Bible study notes say that Isaiah, son of Amoz lived in Judah. He was a prophet to 4 different kings.  He preached repentance and salvation to the entire nation of Israel and was especially concerned with hypocrisy and with Jews who weren’t giving God their whole hearts. 

What was the happening during his time?

Bible study notes say during his time, Judah was threatened by Assyria and Egypt but was spared because of Isaiah’s influence.  The northern kingdom however was demolished by the Assyrians.  Here's a link to a time line to help us get a focus on things:

Read 1 Kings 12-13 to see why the Kingdom was divided and 2 Chronicles 22-28 to get a picture of things leading up to this writing.

I Kings 12-13. I find it interesting in 1 Kings 12 that Israel fell apart like this. Rather than overthrow the King they just left. I guess the Bible tells us why in verse 24: "This is what the Lord says: 'Do not go up to fight against your brothers the Israelites. Go home every one of you, for this is my doing.'"
It's very sad how willingly the people accepted the golden calves in place of a living God.