Thursday, January 31, 2013

Isaiah 30:1-7 -- What are we trusting?

We may be tempted to put our trust in the strong, in our wealth, in friends and family, in success, in ....yet none of these can protect us if God doesn't allow it.  The strong can become weak, the wealth can disappear, relationships can be broken, and our success can disappear.

No, we must put our trust in God by just obeying the next little thing He tells us to do.  This may be just to get to work on time, or it maybe to sign up for a college course, or it maybe to ask for forgiveness, or it maybe.... 

"Lord take away my thoughts, other people's thoughts, and satan's thoughts and leave me with Yours"  ...and then give me the courage and discipline to carry out what You're asking me to do.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Isaiah 29:17-24 -- His Kingdom

If we look for the attributes of God's Kingdom in these verses what do we find?
  • A good field of crops/food
  • The deaf can hear what's read to them
  • The blind are freed from darkness
  • The poor and needy will feel supported by God
  • The cruel and arrogant are gone forever
  • Those who live by crime will disappear, along with those who tell lies in court and keep innocent people from a fair trial
  • The descendants of Abraham will no longer be ashamed and disgraced because they will be proud of God's Kingdom/nation
  • Everyone who is confused will understand, and all who have complained will obey the Lord's teaching 
As I read this passage I wonder if we can take these points and apply them to God's Kingdom within the church?  Wouldn't it be awesome if:
  • There were jobs and food enough for everyone to feel content
  • The spiritually deaf could hear God's truths
  • The spiritually blind could see where God is working
  • The poor and needy felt supported by God and His people
  • The cruel and arrogant were not to be found
  • Those living by crime never showed up in church and those who tell lies that affect innocent people disappear
  • Wouldn't we all be proud if this was happening at our church?
  • Wouldn't it be fun if everyone who was confused understood and everyone who complained obeyed the Lord?
Father, as we pray "Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" help us to be part of the answer to this prayer.  Open our ears to hear, and our eyes to see.  Help us to support the poor and needy; help us not to be cruel or arrogrant; help us not to tell lies, especially when they affect innocent people  Lord, please help us to be very proud of Your Kingdom as it's found at our church.  And Lord, for those who still don't understand what Your up to, help them to understand and Father, for those that complain, please help them to refocus their energies on obeying the next little thing you tell them to do.  Thanks Dad for already hearing this prayer.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Isaiah 29:1-16 -- What do you think about?

"These people praise me with their words, but they never really think about me.   They worship me by repeating rules made up by humans. So once again I will do things that shock and amaze them and I will destroy the wisdom of those who claim to know and understand."

Father, forgive us for taking you for granted.  Forgive us for thinking we can do things on our own in our own way.  Thank you for what you're doing through small groups at my church just now.  Thank you for allowing me to particpate in Your amazing work via Alpha.  Father, continue to open our eyes to where You're working and show us how we can join You.  Thank You for the amazing things You have done for me and thank You for all the "angels" you've put in my life.  Lord, you know the hearts desires of Your people.  May they continue to align with Your heart's desires.

In Jesus name.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Isaiah 28:14-29 -- A firm foundation

God has promised a firm foundation and Jesus tells us what it is in Matthew 7:24-27.  It's about building our lives upon the teachings of Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct us.  It's not that we do nothing.  As verses 24-25 indicate, the farmer still needs to work; but they learn from God/the Holy Spirit's prompting.

It is foolish to trust in one's own knowledge yet it is wisdom to learn as God directs us to learn.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Isaiah 28:7-13 -- Are we listening?

We can't hear if we're indulging ourselves too much. 

Lord, if You're going to speak to us in strange sounds and foreign languages will you give us the gift of interpretation so we can hear You and obey You?  Will You give us the ears to hear Your voice so we can have the perfect balance in life so that we can have perfect peace and rest.  Help us to listen to you instead of indulging ourselves.  Lord, please help us to have the discipline found in the prayer of St Francis.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Isaiah 28:1-6 -- God knows

God knows when leaders are leaders or when leaders are just taking advantage of their position.  God is also more powerful than any leader.  This is why it's essential for us to stay focused on the Lord.  Even with all the free will God gives us which allows people to hurt each other God ultimately is on the side of His people and He will see that justice rules and that His people are able to defend their cities.

Lord, thank you for answering our prayer "God keep our land, glorious and free" all of these years.  Please help our politicians stay focused on You and not get distracted by the temptations of this world and help us not to under present You to our children. In Jesus name.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Isaiah 27:10-13 -- He'll bring the team together

As God forgives He brings healing.  Places may be destroyed but ultimately He brings the people together again as they focus on Him.

When I think of these verses I'm reminded of the wealth of knowledge and wisdom found in Ephesians 4:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Isaiah 27:6-9 -- It's time to eliminate the idols

Sin comes with punishment and guilt and God says the only way to be forgiven is to get rid of any idols in one's life.

What are our idols? Self reliance? Money? Friends? an Education? Power? Control?  It's whatever gets higher attention and gratitude than God.

Father, please forgive me for the times when I've acted like You're not in control.  Help me to use what You have given me to further Your Kingdom. 

Teach me how to love You
Teach me how to pray
Teach me how to serve You
Better day by day

Monday, January 21, 2013

Isaiah 26:20-27:5 -- Dependence on God

The secret to fruit is dependence on God.  Apart from Him we can do nothing.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Isaiah 26:16-20 -- He make all things beautiful in His time.

Galatians 6:7 remind us that we can't fool God, we reap what we sow.
Isaiah 26:16 reminds us that God punishes us when we disobey Him; like a good parent would punish a child
Isaiah 26: 19 reminds us that God ultimately, through His grace, in His time, He restore us.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Isaiah 26:7-15 -- Use Me

As I read this section I'm thinking "what is fair in a world where so many do their own thing?" God, we know You can be trusted in our lives because You are all knowing and all powerful so You know what is best for each one of us. Lord, please give me the ears to hear your requests and the courage to obey them so that Your name will be glorified.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Isaiah 26:1-6 -- Victory through faith and obedience

God protects a law abiding nation that is faithful to God and gives peace to those whose faith is firm.  Let us then trust in the Lord because he is forever our might rock.

Father, thank you for keeping Canada glorious and free for all these years.  Forgive us for taking You for granted.  Help us to acknowledge that You and You alone are God.

Bless the churches in our country.  Please fill them with Your Spirit and release the members to be salt in this world.

Through our God we shall do valiantly

Victory in Jesus

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Isaiah 25:6-8 -- God destroys the power of death

Jesus actually modelled this power over death so we have no doubt that there is life after death yet for most of us we go directly to heaven.

In the Salvation Army we don't die we get promoted to Glory.  It's like Star Trek, we move from this planet to heaven.  It is true that we miss people that pass on before us but for those of us who die with a faith in Christ we have been promised an eternal life.

Father, for our friends, family and neighbours that don't have a personal knowledge of You I pray that you would continue to pursue them so that we may spend eternity with them.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Isaiah 25:1-5 -- Give Thanks

Thank Him for being your God and following through on His promises. 

Give Thanks

Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Isaiah 24 -- Relationships

God will:
twist the earth out of shape 

because of the people's sins, because they disobeyed the laws of God

People try to get on God's good side by praising yet feel awful and terribly miserable and find it hard to trust anyone.

The truth is that God is all powerful and will rule and we can't earn our way into His heart.  That is why He sent His Son. 

John 3:16

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Isaiah 23 -- A money making reputation is not enough

One may make themselves and their country rich and thus gain a wonderful reputation but God can stop that.  After all, the money belongs to the Lord and it will be used to buy more than enough food and good clothes for those who worship the Lord. v18

Does this mean we have permission to buy good clothes?
I don't like the thought of a city being like a prositute.  It sounds like the city is being taken advantage of.  Lord, what needs to happen for us to be like Your children?  I want to feel like I'm Your child when I give to You.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Isaiah 22:1-11 -- One's ability is not enough

Our trust must be in the Lord.  We may have the ability to set  a vision, run from trouble, prepare for what we need but ultimately God is God.  We must never depend on our own abilities over the power of God.

Lord, as you draw people to yourself and as you teach us to depend on You help us to be grateful for who You are and what You have given to us.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Isaiah 21 -- God never said it would be easy

Yet "The Lord has sworn to end the suffering..." v 2
... "will all come to an end..." v18

In His time, In His time, He makes all things beautiful in His time

Friday, January 4, 2013

Isaiah 20 -- Man of the world will let you down but Jesus never fails

Depending on people as opposed to God is a recipe for disaster.  The truth is people are people and are not all powerful, all knowing, all present like God is.  The best mentors and leaders in the world are still people.  Even Jesus, while He showed us how to live on this earth would not let people become dependent on Him. For example; someone came up to Jesus and said "Good teacher" and his response was "Why do you call me good? No one is good--except God alone." Mark 10:18

If you become "confused and frustrated" (v 5), ask yourself "have you come to depend on a person or people or is your main focus God?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Isaiah 19:23-25 -- Features of a healed land

V 23 a good relationship with neighbours where they share the road and worship together
V 24 they become a blessing to everyone on earth
V 25 God admits to creating them.

Isaiah 19:5-22 -- Keys to God's blessing

V 20 - remember the Lord is all powerful; if He wants He can confuse people (v14), and dry up rivers (v5), and He punishes (v220
V 20 - remember He is with you
V 20 - ask for help
V 21 - worship Him
V 22 - keep your promises to Him

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Isaiah 19:1-4 Life when God is taken for granted

God comes swiftly, allows civil war where neighbours, cities and kingdoms fight each other.  He also confuses their plans, especially when they consult with idols, spirits of the dead and fortunetellers, as opposed to Him. He then gives them a cruel, heartless king!

Father, we have prayed "God keep our land glorious and free" in Canada for many years.  Will You help us to not take you for granted.  It's obvious that You have answered this prayer yet so many of us are turning our hearts from You.  Please help us learn from the experiences of others.  You are all powerful.  In our lives Lord be glorified today.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Isaiah 18 -- Even the good looking, strong and brutal need God

Again we're reminded that it doesn't matter if you're good looking, strong, brutal... we all depend on God for our next breath.  Let us not loose focus of Him and let us not forget to give him the gifts He deserves.