Monday, July 23, 2012

Isaiah 2:19-22 - What/Who to trust?

"You should stop trusting people to save you, because people are only human; they aren't able to help you." Isaiah 2:22

"At that time people will throw away their gold and silver..." Isaiah 2:20

This passage is reminding me; who or what can we really trust????

This question makes me turn to Christ?  Who did He trust and what did He trust?  Jesus started His ministry at the age of 12 by telling His parents "He must be about His Father's business" (Luke 2:49 King James).  I don't know how this statement got into my brain but I remember quoting it many times when I was volunteering at a prison because I never wanted to be associated with "a group"; whether it was inmates or officers, victims or offenders; I was their because Christ placed me there and I needed to do what He needed me to do. 

For me this is just as significant at our workplace, at our church, in our neighbourhoods etc.... Christ told us "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16

Jesus was so confident in His relationship with His Father He did not worry about public opinion.  In fact, when He became popular He usually left town and He warned His followers that they should carry little and not worry about where they were going to sleep.

It really doesn't sound promising yet it seems to me that the real point here is quit trusting in things that are not omni-present, omni-powerful, all wise etc and start trusting in the Lord who loves us so much that He was willing to give up the thing He loved the most just to save us!  Remember, God knows us, knows what makes us happy, knows what His purpose is for our lives, knows what we can endure, knows what we need to learn, knows our circumstances and knows how to run "our home".  Let's just trust Him with the next little thing He's asking us to do. 

If you haven't heard from the Lord lately ask this question "what did He ask me to do last? Then ask, did I do it?  He may just be waiting for us to do the last thing He asked us to do before He moves us to the next task".  I wonder how often He just shakes His head when we try to tell Him what to do; as if we know anything compared to Him!

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