Sunday, September 1, 2013

Moving forward...

Andrea, thanks for spurring me on in this manner.  May God bless you and protect you.  For the others who have also been following along, thanks for journeying with me.  If you're near by and want to join us Sunday night in a women's group on the book of James let KCC know.

If you're farther away my prayer for you is that you get connected with a local group of people who love the Lord.

Please continue to pray for my friends who don't know and understand the Lord.  My God daughter is entering high school this year and I'd love for her to connect with folks that love Him too.

God is telling me that He must increase and I must decrease.  May He be glorified in this.

Isaiah 66:19-24 -- Death can be the beginning of forever if we trust in God

After a particularly hard time a friend of mine said "so many people get caught up in this life and they forget we're on a forever journey".  

Lord, would you protect "my kids" and help them recognize that we're on a forever journey! 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Isaiah 66:17-18 -- God is not mocked

Galatians 6:7-10 

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

It's strange how we think we can worship other things besides God and then expect Him to still love us.  Father, as I think of this I think of how the evil one can deceive us into thinking something immediate and temporary can take us away from your enduring love.  Dear Lord, help us to focus solely on You.  

Would you protect marriages in this country just now as the evil one deceives people into believing that a quick fling is better than a commitment to life long love.  Would you protect our children as the evil one deceives them into thinking a quick high will fix the pain,  Would you bless the faithful with enduring love.  Protect those who are honestly seeking You.  In Jesus name, for Your glory.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Isaiah 66:13-16 -- Thanks!!!

It's great to know that God is watching and knows everything that is going on and ultimately will comfort and energize and strengthen His people.

Father, I know that You do a wonderful job of delegating and You direct in amazing ways.  Help me to recognize what is of You and what is of the enemy.  I am so grateful for all You have given to me.  Now Lord, will You help me to use what You've given me wisely in Your Kingdom.

Thanks too for blessing Nadine.  Lord, will you now bless Heather as well. Give her all that she desires for her ministry to be effective where she's at.  Lord, please use us for Your honour and glory.

Father, please bless my company, Blackberry (as the Christians choose to focus on You), our government (as the Christians choose to focus on You), our native people (as they choose to focus on You), the folks in Africa (as they choose to focus on You); in Jesus name, for His honour and glory.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Isaiah 66:7-12 --- New babies come with labour pains

Hummm... so this is why I don't have a kid of my own! :-)

Father, as you birth Your children/Kingdom help us to accept the challenges knowing that a new baby is on it's way.  Thanks for my connections with Israel this week.

Father, would you help us to understand Your purposes in our lives and be glorified today.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Isaiah 66:5 -- Let's not test each other...

Interesting that even in Isaiah's day some of his own people hated and rejected him because of His relationship with God.  They then mocked him by asking him to show God's power...but according to Jesus this is not how it works. (See Matthew 4).  Jesus knew that we are not to tempt God so that people see the power in us as opposed to in Him.

Father, I know Judi is telling Valerie things happen because of me; please help Valerie to be smart enough to know that it's because of You....and help her to get into Your word so she really discovers who You are.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Isaiah 66:6 -- Wow! Interesting!

When I read verses like Isaiah 66:6 I'm reminded of Ephesians 6:12 --- our fight is not against flesh and blood....

Lord, please teach me how to lift Jesus Higher.

Father, please fill me with Your HS.  I need Your wisdom and grace today.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Isaiah 66:2 -- God treasures the humble!

Well I'm back from my vacation and internet fast.   What an amazing, creative God we have!

He blessed me with AMAZING weather, amazing friends and amazing family!

As I read Isaiah 66:2 I'm reminded of what humility really means to God.  It means that we, as His people, are truly dependent on Him...and respect Him as the person in charge!

When I saw the mountains this past few weeks I was reminded of the verse "if you have faith like this mustard seed you can move mountains"...and once again I pray "Lord, I believe, please help my unbelief".

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Isaiah 66:1-2 -- God and satan

This passage reminds me of the God and satan dual...God challenges satan to make a man and satan is says he's up to it.  After all, we can now clone sheep and make robots so why not go for a real human.  Then, just as the contest was about to begin God says; "Wait! Satan, you have to use your own soil!!!"  :-) ....It's an Alpha joke! :-)

The same is true with statistics...when you don't get the results you want you do the survey again! :-)...The best part about my "Uses and abuses of statistics course" was I got a recommendation for my job from it!

Yes, there are some very creative ways to teach these days.  Thanks angels, atheists, agnostics, witches, AA members and most of all God, who made each of us for all these lessons.  May God continue to work in and through each one of you who believes in Him and may each of you who wants to spend time with Jesus celebrate with me one day in heaven.


An aside---

I was running the Alpha course at a women's prison and I found it unbelievable that they were giving them the King James version of the bible to read.  I've got a math brain so I used Coles notes for Shakespeare so I thought it was of little use to give King James bibles to most of the prison population.  Even, I, with 2 University degrees don't like reading King James!

One of the women I met at the prison had the delight of leading a friend to the Lord so she decided to mentor her friend by reading through the bible.  She came up to me and told me they read the New Testament with the King James but is was really too hard to read the Old Testament this way so they found the Message and this was helpful...but then this smart lady looked and discovered the Message was a paraphrase and thus not completely accurate.  This made me excited when I saw another bible was published called the Key to Freedom bible but today I've discovered that this too, has misleading information in it.  In Isaiah 66:3 it starts off as an accusation "You sacrifice...." but in the NIV it says "But whoever..."

This goes to show us that lawyers with their details have a place; theologians with their research have their place; and the average nobody with their experiences have their place.

I'm Sherrill, a nobody in this world, yet a child of God in His Kingdom...and this is all the really matters.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Isaiah 65:20-25 -- God's holy mountain

Will have:

  • no child died in infancy
  • everyone will live to well over 100
  • people will live in houses they build
  • they will enjoy grapes from their own vineyard
  • no one will take away their homes and vineyards
  • they will enjoy what they earn
  • their work won't be wasted
  • their children won't die of dreaded diseases
  • God will bless their children and grandchildren
  • God will answer their prayers before they finish praying
  • Wolves and lambs will graze together
  • Lions and oxen will feed on straw
  • Snakes will only eat dirt
  • Snakes won't bite or harm anyone on God's holy mountain

For God has spoken.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Isaiah 65:17-19 -- Creation of new things

If God is a creator God He's probably still creating; leaving us with new things to discover.  To date, I'm pleased that God has answered our prayers "God keep our land, glorious and free" all of these years and given us a peaceful nation and a good economy but I'm concerned that God is being taken for granted and people really believe that they can keep this land glorious and free without Him.

God today though, is telling me He's creating a new thing.  He's creating a world where He's calling His people to walk the walk in His Kingdom 7/24.  So what does this mean in terms of personal ethics and business ethics etc.  For me I have to go back to Jesus teachings

"Authentically love the Lord your God with all of your heart soul and mind and authentically love your neighbour as much as you authentically love yourself"...and we will experience a happy people.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Isaiah 65:13-16 -- Seek first His Kingdom

This passage reminds me of Matthew 6:33.  A verse that comes out of Jesus teaching known as the "Sermon on the Mount".  So often I've recognized that His ways are not my ways.  For instance, what sense do the beatitudes really make.  Yet, the peace in walking this type of walk is amazing!

The Beatitudes

He said:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
    for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
    for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Father, would you help the faithful to be salt and light in Your world.


Salt and Light

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Isaiah 65:11-12 -- Lord, help us to listen

Father, help me to listen to You.  Please help me understand what You want and please show me how to represent You well today.  Don't let me follow my own ways and attribute things to luck or fate.  Father, please help me to do what You want me to do.  Lord, I know there are choices to be made on Sunday.  I really want to do everything that's been offered to me on Sunday yet I also need my rest.  Help me to make wise choices.  Father, would you also help us to be successful with our project at work too.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Isaiah 65:8-10 -- God will keep the good fruit

Because of the faithful servants of God I have chosen  the group and I will bless them with many descendants.  They will have land where their cattle and sheep will feed and rest and they will worship God.

Father, would You bless those who have remained faithful to You.  Deepen our faith and trust in You.  Father, would You help me to live a life where others see me and glorify You.  Thanks

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Isaiah 65:1-7 -- The Lord will punish the guilty

As I read this passage I'm reminded of people who aren't in relationship with the Lord 24/7.  It's reminding me of the concept of giving everything to Christ...and this story in from My Heart Christ's Home

Father, please forgive us for taking You and our need for You for granted.  Lord, You know how much I need You today.  Fill me with Your Spirit and help the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart to be acceptable in Your sight oh Lord.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Isaiah 64:9-12 -- Father, forgive Your people

I find this prayer significant.  It's highlighting that God (not satan) is responsible for the devastation hitting God's chosen people and it's suggesting that it's because God is mad at His people.  I can remember the day, as a teenager, when I finally woke up to the fact that my parents had feelings too!  They had always taken care of me and God started to reveal to me how I was taking them for granted.  I think this is true with God too.  If we think we're so smart that we can carry on without Him..after all we can now clone animals so do we really need Him?... then He says, fine...just do it without me...but use your own sheep and your own soil, don't use Mine! (I'm quoting an Alpha joke)

...and now Isaiah pleads to His compassion

"Don't be so furious or keep our sins in your thoughts forever!  Remember that all of us are Your people!" Isaiah 64:9

Lord, as the Salvation Army High Council meets today would You forgive the sins of the Salvation Army.  Pride, jealousy, envy, malicious,... and would You move in such a way that Your leaders would recognize that they need You now more than ever before.  Would you humble them and help each person who needs to turn from their wicked ways to have the courage to confess what needs to be confessed and give them the strength to turn from their wicked ways so that You will "answer their prayers, forgive them, and bring healing to their lands" 2 Chronicles 7:14b

Lord, we need you now; in my neighbourhood too.  Guide me today as I determine what Your will is for our prayer meeting tonight.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Isaiah 63:15 - 64:8 -- Father, You are the potter and we are the clay.

Father, thank you for stopping the rain for us for the party yesterday and thank you for our God connections. Thank you too for my time together with Henri and Monika.  Father, we remembered the good times we had with You but now we're asking You to come again.  I know You don't want to because of the sins of this world; pride, unbelief, jealousy, envy, malice...yet Lord, we need You and we need You now.  This world needs to see that You rule so Lord, have Your own way in us.  You are the potter and we are the clay.  Would you mold us and use us just now?

Friday, July 26, 2013

Isaiah 63:10-14 -- Remember when

If you read Isaiah 63:11-14 you'll see tremendous testimonies of remembering when the Holy Spirit really worked in the lives of the Jewish people so the question is:

 "What went wrong?"

...and the answer is found in verse 10 "The Lord's people turned against Him and made his Holy Spirit sad.  So he became their enemy and attacked them."

Have you ever had a tremendous experience with God working and then everything seemed to go wrong? In Job's case it seemed that God allowed satan to test Job to show satan what Job was really made of but in today's reading it implies that sometimes things go wrong because we turn against God.  This begs the question:

"What does it mean to turn against God?"

  • Are we jealous or envious of how God is working in someone else's life?
  • Are we no longer dependent on God?
  • Are we taking the credit for the work of the Holy Spirit?
  • Are we freaking out because God is working in ways that we no longer have any control over?
  • Are we too proud to admit that we were wrong?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Isaiah 63:1-9 -- God steps in

I can imagine God trying to explain His amazing ways and plans to us.  As a powerful King we fear Him. Through words we don't really get it...especially since His ways seem completely opposite to ours, so what is the best way to teach us?

I just love God's brilliance.  He chooses to come as an approachable baby!  It reminds me of this story:

He chose to walk the walk and show us how to live and then ultimately He fought for us so that we can be saved.
  • "It troubled the Lord to see them in trouble and his angel saved them."
  • "The Lord was truly merciful, so he rescued his people."
  • "He took them in his arms and carried them all those years." 

says the Lord.  
And it was with great cost.

"For food in a world where many walk in hunger
For faith in a world where many walk in fear
For friends in a world where many walk alone
We give You humble thanks dear Lord"

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Isaiah 62:10-12 -- Do the possible

We must do the possible and leave the rest in God's hands.  It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking it's just about prayer but the reality is we must "repair the roads and clear the stones"...and God will reward us with a place that is known as a good place to live and a city full of people that God has rescued.

Thank You Lord for keeping my country, Canada, "glorious and free" all of these years.  You have given us a good economy and a peaceful nation.  Now Lord, will You help us to bring You to the younger generation and will You help us to not take You for granted.

Isaiah 62:6-9 -- Never again...with thankful hearts

"Never again will I give to your enemies the grain and grapes for which you struggled" God

Wow!   You did all the hard work and someone else got the credit for it?  I've heard it said that life isn't fair and it's true; there is always someone better off and worse off than me.  

God's promise to me this morning is a grateful heart...I'm not so sure about my wine in my temple but if that means apple juice then let's do it!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Isaiah 62:6-7 -- Give God no rest....keep praying

Father,thanks for the guards who speak out without resting day and night.  Father please establish your holy place.  Extract any thoughts that take away from Your Lordship in my mind.

"Jesus we enthrone you.
We proclaim you are king
Standing here in the midst of us
We raise you up with our praise.
And as we worship build your throne
And as we worship build your throne
And as we worship build your throne
Come Lord Jesus and take Your place."

Father, thank you for promising to establishing Your city.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Isaiah 62:4-5 -- Happily Married

Wow, this is an interesting thought.  I'd love to be happily married...the key is happy and married together!  Father, if you do choose to give me a husband please provide me on that I both love and respect.  Then we can model how You in an healthy relationship.  Thanks for Dave and Denise.  Lord please continue to bless their marriage.  Thanks too for the others around me who model healthy Deb and Brian.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Isaiah 62:1-3 -- Jerusalem will speak up for our good

Last night I was hearing about a happiness experiment. They said if you write down why you're thankful for someone and then call them and tell them what you wrote your happiness will increase by 19%!...and today, as I read this portion I think, "and God's people will speak up for your good and spark the flame in us so that God's great victory will be seen by every nation and king"

May God be glorified today!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Isaiah 61:10-11 -- The Lord will bring about justice and praise!

Father, will you help right be right.  Father, I think just now of children who have been abused and parents who are really stretched because they don't have enough money to feed their children.  Lord, will you help right be right in this world.  I know You can only do this if people are willing to listen to You.  Father, will You help me to stay focused on You and the tasks that You have for me.  Lord, please help me to recognize You working in and through me.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Isaiah 61:8-9 -- I hate robbery and injustice says the Lord!!!

Strangely today I've been praying for people I know in the justice system and I read "the Lord loves justice!"  Father, would you watch over those who are called to uphold the law.  Please give them incredible wisdom!  Give them insight into stopping senseless destruction and vandalism.  Give them courage and wisdom as they come up against people who sincerely thinking that doing wrong is a good thing.  Father help those who are in the position of realizing they need to change their thinking to doing wrong is wrong!  As they turn their lives around I know it will be hard for them. They're so use to driving down "the highway backwards", but Father, you know that driving down "the highway forwards" is so much easier.  Would you help them with this change.  I know they won't get it perfect right away so Lord please help us support them as they change.

Father, I love the heritage of my Grandparents.  2 Chronicles 7:14 "IF my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves AND pray AND turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land"

Lord, would you fulfill their promise "all that see them will realize that they have been blessed by me, the Lord"

And Lord, for those who aren't walking with you right now, would you bring them back to you.  Father I think of Jay's son. Would you bring people into his life to mentor him and would you bring his parents back to you.  Lord, I think of Mark's kid.  Father, would you walk beside them and let them know how much you love them.  Would you bring people into their lives that they connect with to help them through the grieving process.  Lord, you know the hurts and pains so Father will You minister in the areas where I can't even see.  Lord, would you help the bitterness to go away.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Isaiah 61:5-7 -- Harvest time

As I read the passage today I'm reminded of all of our immigrant farmers who come to help us harvest the crops.  Lord, will you bless them with peace and supply for their needs.  Lord I know the farmers have not always had it easy so today I'm claiming that promise for them...that they will be joyful forever.  Father, would you particularly bless Andrea's in-laws.  Would you give them the peace and prosperity that they desire and help them to recognize that each employee and each blessing is a gift from You.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Isaiah 61:3-4 -- "Trees of Justice"

In 2001 I was reading Matthew 13 and asked God "What category am I in? Why am I not seeing fruit"?    Many amazing things have happen in my world since that time and one of the highlights in my world was a November night in 2001 when I saw dancing at the Salvation Army because we were SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited; 3 people had just accepted Christ into their lives.

This however, was followed by a season of sorrow because on July 28th Nicole, one of our Alpha kids,  was taken home to be with our Lord, yet even in this mourning God was working.  As I read this today I'm wondering if this is where the tradition of sending flowers to those who mourn comes from. I also think of Mina and our decision to plant a tree in her memory as I read "Trees of Justice" planted by the Lord to honour His name.

Is it really true, that this is the route to rebuilding cities that have been in ruins for many generations? As I read this I think of the churches in Canada and how so few have young people in them today. Father, will You help us to rebuild Your Kingdom here in Your nation?  Lord, I want to claim this promise for our land today.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Isaiah 61:1-2 -- The Spirit of the Lord has chosen to take control

This is Jesus mission statement.  Father please help me to:

  • tell the oppressed the good news
  • heal the brokenhearted
Lord, I also ask for freedom for those who are in prison or captive because of an injustice.  When one spouse goes to prison as a result of another spouse's actions, when people are in prison for believing in you, when someone has set someone up and they're not really guilty etc ....but Lord, if there are people out there who really aren't safe in our society please help them to never get out in the general public. Help us to set up a system that encourages authentically love of You, ourselves and our neighbours for we know that perfect love casts out all fear.

Thanks for your promise
"This is the year when the Lord God will show kindness to us and punish our enemies"

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Isaiah 60:17-18 -- God will replace violence and destruction with victory and praise

As I read this I'm asking the question, what makes me mad.  For me there is nothing more frustrating than an objective, and a plan that meets the objective and people who say they subscribe to the objective but not the plan.

Now if I ask myself why this happens I'd say fear, jealousy, envy and pride...and then malice kicks in, which definitely leads to hurt and pain and can lead to violence, destruction and ruin and so the very things that will could led us out of poverty are destroyed.

God says that he will give us bronze, iron, gold and silver (ie equivalent to $ for us) AND appoint PEACE and JUSTICE.  To me this helps with the malice but the roots of fear need to be dealt with by love.  Scripture says:

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18

To get rid of the jealousy, envy and pride we need to live by the Spirit.  Galatians 5:13-26 is an wonderful piece of scripture to mediate on in this regard.

Then the end result is Victory and Praise!   Thank you LORD!

"Thank you Lord on this day
Every blessing You give us
Food and friends, love and joy
For our dreams and ambitions
Blossom of love may it bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Thank you Lord on this day
Bless our friendships forever!"

Monday, July 8, 2013

Isaiah 60:15-16 -- God turns things around

Although I don't like the idea of "draining wealth of kings and foreign nations" I do like the idea of things turning around from the negative to the positive and I do like the idea of the world knowing that the Lord God of Israel saves His people.

Father, would You draw my friends and I into a deeper relationship with You.  Would You draw my family too.  Lord, I'm thinking of Jay right now and his family.  Lord would You help him to understand how much You love him and would you bring him into a circle of friends that really understand him.

Lord, would help us all to:

"Authentically love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul and mind and authentically love our neighbours as much as we authentically love ourselves."

"May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" Amen

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Isaiah 60:14 -- When they look at us may they glorify God

When I look at the history of the Jewish people I think two things:
a) I don't want to ever go against a Jewish person because God's hand is on them
b) How could they have possibly survived without God's hand upon them

Then when I read this verse I think, if you don't deny God during the hard times His hand will be upon you and restore you.  It's like the story of Job.  Satan wanted to push him to the point where he would deny God to prove it was just because he had life so easy that he served God but Job proved him wrong and ultimately God restored Job.

Father, when things get tough would you help us to come closer to You, learn from You and allow others to see Your good works so that they may worship You.

Father, please guide me in regard to the finances You have given me.  I believe I've been using them as You have directed me so I'm not sure why this is on my mind right now, yet Father, I know I need to wait on You for the next little thing you tell me to do.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Isaiah 60:11-13 -- God rewards people who are faithful to Him

I find this passage interesting because people are choosing to be a blessing, they are not being plundered or forced to do anything (accept maybe by their leadership).  It seems to me this is an illustration of what happens when one is trusted.  Resources come to them because they believe in the cause.

We're living in a world that no longer blindly follows; yet sometimes the truth that they discover is a very biased truth.  In fact, most times, when we discover the truth we only find a portion of the truth. This is actually reminding me of the story of the 5 blind men who discovered an elephant.

In my world I realize that God is far greater than I and that I am only one part of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12-14).  I also realize that the whole truth is hard to come by yet Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

Jesus's teachings and lifestyle were radical!  He:

  • He treated prostitutes and single men as his authentic friends
  • He engaged in the lives of individuals but wasn't afraid to teach a crowd
  • He saw through and reacted to the hypocrisy in the church
  • He cared for the vulnerable
  • He didn't store up riches for Himself
  • He asked one of His bests friends to take His Mother in when He died
  • He walked away from angry crowds yet willing went when it was His time 
  • .... and most importantly
  • He was killed, yet He rose again.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Isaiah 60:10 -- After discipline there is mercy

After a testing and disciplining period God rebuilds and He provides others to help us rebuild.  I don't like the idea of slaves but being placed next to co-workers in the Kingdom is a wonderful experience.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Isaiah 60:8-9 -- The ship is coming...

Today's story reminds me of the ship the Anastasia found in the book "Is that Really You God" by Loren Cunningham.  As I googled this book I was surprised to see the publishing date of 2001 because I had a copy of this book back in the early 80's.  I'll have to get a more recent copy to see if any of the stories have been changed...

The ship story is a good one because it reminds us to keep our eyes on God and not on God's projects or people.  The story goes something like this.  YWAM had discovered how to pray  with Joy Dawson's guidance.  They prayed in a group with these simple request:
God, take away my thoughts
God, take away other people's thoughts
God, take away satan's thoughts
God, leave me with Your thoughts

Then after some moments of silence each person shared what they believed God was saying.  This worked so much for them that one day they went to the newspapers in New Zealand (where Joy Dawson is from) and announced that God was going to supply them a ship. This ship would be used to train and carry supplies and once they got to a destination they'd share the love of Jesus by helping the people practically.   They were pumped and they had a nice donation for the down payment of the ship...but then no more money came in and they eventually lost the ship.  (This happened way before I knew anything about YWAM)

With this history, Loren wasn't too excited about hearing that God wanted another ship but they felt that God was saying like a seed the vision was to die before it could give birth again and in 1983 I was in New Zealand when the ship was visiting.

Before I continue with this story I need further clarification on how God is currently working but I know this ministry continues to exist today.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Isaiah 60:4-7 -- Crowds are coming....

Wouldn't it be just AWESOME if we saw crowds coming in search of the Lord! Father, would you do this? Would You show the people where You  are working such that they would come to You and worship You! Thank You for the awesome funeral today!  Lord, would you bring Mark's children into a deep faith in You. Thanks for Debbie; Lord, raise her up and give her the desires of her heart.  Lord, in our lives please be glorified!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Isaiah 60:1-3 -- A New Day

How wonderful it is to have a fresh start!  I'm reminded of a song "After the rain the sun, after the sun rain, this is the way of life until the work is done'

As things go well today remember it's God glory shining on us.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Isaiah 59:21 -- God will give you His Spirit!!!

What a neat promise for Canada Day!!!!  As you can see if you look through the history of this blog I've been taking a varying number of verses each day to blog on.  There has been no preset agenda and I don't even know right now how many more days I have before I finish the book of Isaiah so the fact that I'm on Isaiah 59:21 today, Canada Day is a complete blessing from God!!!

What a WONDERFUL promise!

"My people, I promise to give you my  Spirit and my message.  These will be my gifts to you and your family forever.  I the Lord have spoken!"

Father, thank you for my family both my physical family and the family of God!

Father thank you for answering our prayer God keep  our land country glorious and free all of these years.  You have given us a peaceful country and a good economy.  Lord, please forgive us for taking you for granted!  Please help us to recognize that if we can do so much with out You, how much more we can do with You!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Isaiah 59:18-20 -- God gets angry

We're created in God's image so we shouldn't be shocked that God gets angry; and the people who benefit from His anger like it.

Father, as I read this passage I'm reminded of the flood in Calgary and thank you that in this tragedy You have united people.  I think of the synagogue and the church that came together to make sandwiches.  Thank you Lord.  Father, will you continue to help those who are currently displaced; especially those who are weaker.

God has promised to rescue those who turn from their sins!  Lord, help us to be humble in you sight and confess that we need You to run our lives, our churches, and our countries.  Forgive us for thinking any other way.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Isaiah 59:9-17 -- It doesn't look like paradise

There are days when we hope for sun and get rain
There are days when we hope someone will defend us but they don't
There are days when we think we're blind and feel like we can't see any more than a blind person
There are days when we growl like a a bear and mourn like doves
There are days when we hope for justice and victory but they escape us

Lord,  have we sinned and turned against you?
Father, have we rebelled and refused to follow you?
Have our hearts been deceitful?
Have we planned to abuse others and turn our backs on you?

Is this our picture?

  • Injustice seems to be everywhere
  • Truth is chased out of the court
  • Honesty is shoved aside.
  • Everyone tells lies;
  • Those who turn from crime end up ruined.
When the Lord noticed that justice had disappeared He became displeased!  (Father, please feel this nation with justice, mercy, love and integrity)
The Lord was disgusted that no one would do a thing about He won victories for truth.

Justice was the Lord's armor; saving power was his helmet; anger and revenge were His clothes

Isaiah 59:9-15 -- God is not mocked.

A woman told me, Sherrill if I wasn't a Christian I know how to use the system and get what I need but because I'm a Christian I need some help getting established after my time in prison so I can get my kids back.

It's not that we can do whatever we want.  Galatians 5:7-8 says "You cannot fool God, so don't make a fool of yourself!  You will harvest what you plant. If you follow your selfish desires, you will harvest destruction, but if you follow the Spirit, you will harvest eternal life!

The truth is our sins condemn us.  They make our life messy.  If we refuse to follow God we end up deceiving ourselves and others and injustice rules!  

We can choose to live this way or we can choose to turn control of our life over to God...and we know if we do this He'll start wanting to clean up our sins!

Father, thank you for caring enough to want to take over the closet.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Isaiah 59:3-8 -- A world where wrong seems right!

People need the Lord

I've been so blessed to live in a world where right is right and wrong is wrong but God is opening my eyes to see this is not the world that everyone lives in.

This passage talks about things God doesn't like.  They are:

  • lies
  • plans for violence
  • the making of traps (spider webs)...that bring no value to them
  • brutality
  • murder of innocent victims
  • focus on sin
  • ruin and destruction is left all around  
  • lack of peace
  • lack of fairness with others
  • the paths are crooked
  • followers can't find peace!
Father this opposite world is new to me.  As you expose me to it please help me to stay close to You so that I may hear Your still small voice as you direct me.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Isaiah 59:1-2 -- Sins as a roadblock

These verses are interesting.  They are implying that our sins block the answers to our prayers and maybe this is true.  If I read Matthew 9 I see Jesus interacting with a sick man and instead of praying for his healing he said his sins are forgiven!

As an Alpha leader I use to run a healing night and because of this thought I wouldn't start with us praying for healing; I would start with us connecting with Jesus and then presenting our sin to Christ.  We would think of David and how he got caught. He didn't even think he had sinned until he was confronted...

I firmly believe that a lot of our health issues are tied into our guilt.  I also believe many think that if we change the definition of sin our guilt will go away...but I don't think it works this way.   I think it only works when we recognize our failings and take them to Christ for His forgiveness and wisdom.  I'm not saying that we don't allow God to work through other individual; of course we do, but ultimately we can never live up to God's standards.  We are all sinners saved by grace!

I'm thankful for Andrea and Daniel who spurred me on to blog on Isaiah.  They have been such a blessing to me because really what they have done is spurred me on in spending time with Christ each day.  Andrea, if you're reading this know that I'm incredibly blessed to have you as my sister in Christ!  Keep the faith! This a perfect example of one sinner spurring another sinner on to a wonderful relationship with Christ.  Daniel, surprise...I know you're just finding out about this now! :-)

The truth is, when you've been a Christian for a certain period of time people assume you don't need spurring on and that is so not true! God always wants us on a growth path with Him.

Today Lord I'm asking for more help.  In particular, I need help controlling my sin of over indulgence. This is not a huge addiction it's just a sin that is creeping up on me that will eventually affect my health!  Thank you for my Ultimate Freesbie team mates who spurred me on to continue to play this summer and thank you for Kunfu for Christ.  Lord, I'm sure this is all good but ultimately I need to be aware of what I'm putting into my body.  Help me to be conscious of this in a way that's helpful and not crippling to me.

I'm also asking for help in my unbelief.  What an insult to You Lord.  I woke up this morning singing "Not my will Father but Thine be done".  Lord, please help me to not base my belief on the prayers you answer for me as if I am God but help me to understand your will and base my belief on my relationship with You and how I see You working.

Father, You have blessed Canada immensely.  Lord, please raise up the people of Canada to truly worship You once again. Renew their hope in You and help me to represent You well in Valerie's life.  Lord, please show us how we can bring You to her generation.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Isaiah 58:13-14 -- A special day in the week

I have to say, I love the Sabbath!!! I remember taking this rule seriously in university.  I knew I had to study hard but I believed that if God said I needed a day off I needed a day off!  The definition of the day off meant no studying.  This meant I could treat myself to baking but I would not study!  These days it means spending time with friends talking about God, walking in His wonderful creation, napping, and worshiping God in a larger congregation.  It is WONDERFUL.  It's the best rule ever!    In all of our doing it's great just to be able to change the routine and remember the amazing things God is doing, showing us and creating around us!

Yesterday I went to church and on the ceiling in my church right now there is a balloon that is there to remind us to CELEBRATE!  It was part of the kids story when we were talking about God rising from the dead.

What a treat to be in relationship with the King above all Kings!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Isaiah 58:11-12 -- He will guide

Father, thank You for providing for me.  You have promised to guide me, give me good food, and make me healthy so please help me to get the right food into my body.  Help me too to get the right balance of water.  Right now I'm thinking about the floods in Calgary and I'm reminded of how too much of a good thing isn't good.

Thanks for allowing me to make a difference in this world by working on making things better.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Isaiah 58:1-10 -- What is Worship?

I watched Amazing Grace and notice that the slave owner read his bible!  There is something terribly wrong about this!  It's one thing to labour and provide jobs for others but it's a whole different issue when people are forced  into labour and treated badly.   The thing is, in the movie the slave owner didn't even get the discrepancy between his faith and what he was doing.

God is saying when you worship, however you worship...are you focused on yourself or God and others?

God wants us to remove injustice,  free the abused, share our food with the hungry, share our houses with the poor and homeless, cloth our relatives and don't turn away our relatives!

God says our honesty will protect us along with the glory of God.  God promises to help us.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Isaiah 57:14-21 -- God has feelings too!

Have you ever thought, God has feelings too.  He was angry because of our greed so He turned away from us...but He loves us an can't stay away so He's saying:
  • clear the way for His people
  • although He lives in high places He'll help the humble who depend on Him
  • even though He knows what we're like He's still willing to heal us, comfort us, and lead us until our mourning turns to praises!
  • He also promises to heal us until we have peace. (although He won't give the wicked peace)
Father, I love just being with You. Will You help me to do well at work today; both as a worker and a friend.  Help them to see You in me.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Isaiah 57:11-13 Who do we fear?

When I think of the fear of people I think of Pilate. He tried so hard to get out of making the decision to crucify Christ but the crowds were pumped for a death.  His job was at stake.  He was caught in between what he knew was right and what the crowds wanted.  Really, when we're in this position our faith is completely tested.  Are we willing to loose our jobs to do what's right?  I think of the guards right now at GVI who had to make all of those decisions.  Thanks for JR, and Kathleen and... Lord you know each heart. 

The point is that if we succumb to doing what is wrong the long term consequences can ruin us as a nation yet God is saying, if we trust Him, over idols, money, technology etc...the land will always belong to us.

I'm more aware of this today than ever before as we accept people from other cultures into Canada.  The following link is interesting as we focus on being salt and light in this world.  I'm convinced that our Christian foundations have given us a foundation that is invaluable for our economy and peace and I'm concerned that our lack of acknowledgement of God let alone our lack of fear of Him will send our ratings on this web site down the tube.  After all, if there is no God bigger than my circumstances, and few people sharing the values of integrity etc then how do we stand up against those we fear?

Father thank you for this promise found in Isaiah 57:13 and thank you for the promise found in 2 Chronicles 7:14.  Lord, please help me to not deny You when it counts.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Isaiah 57:1-10 -- Where is your focus

Are we sacrificing our children by satisfying our own desires? Are we hoping for quick answers by reading our horoscope or going to the psychic? Are we making fun of the faith of others? Is having sex more attractive than spending time with God?  God is saying are things more important than me?  Are you consulting the dead over giving me?

Will you stop and just spend some time with me, your God?

Father, please help me to realize that You are far greater than I can ever dream or imagine.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Isaiah 57:1-2 God's Faithful People

As I re-focus on Isaiah 53 I'm reminded of Christ's suffering yet verse 2 reminds us that in death we find peace for obeying God.  Lord, thank you for spiritual giants like Mina.  Father, may her life count even in her death.  Lord, thank you for the saints of God who have taken a stand for You.  Father, thank you for the Salvation Army's concept of being promoted to Glory!  Lord, even in death, You win.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Please bless the heros of the faith right now who are facing death. I think of Min's greatest fear and how you promised someone would go with her.  Thank you for allowing Wendy and I to be with her as she went.  Lord, there are many seniors in our country right now who are facing death.  Would you provide angels for them to walk with them in this journey.

Thanks for my Mom and Dad and their current ministry.  Use them Lord, use them for Your glory.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Isaiah 56:9-12 Our leaders, our protectors!

Wow, I've never really thought of this in this way before.  Leadership is about protecting our people.  Many people may pray for protection but God has put leaders in place with the expectation that they will protect our people!  This is probably why I think of my church as a fort.  It's a place where I know there is 0 tolerance for drugs and we can protect those with addictions.  My prayer is that church is also a place for 0 tolerance of gossip, pride, ego, gluttony,....

Father, we need protection for the care givers.  Would you provide this.  Would you surround General Linda Bond with Your peace and comfort.  Would you place her exactly where she needs to be in Your Kingdom.  Would you raise up leaders in the Salvation Army that are keen to serve You and would You protect them from the enemy's attacks.  Please help us to be real before You with our weaknesses and our strengths.  Lord, thank You for Scott, Deb, Brian, Helen and the many others who feed into my ministry.  Bless the lay members of the Salvation Army as You raise them up with the training they have from their jobs.  Lord, will you take away the competition between Officers and soldiers and would You raise up Your Spirit of co-operation, love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, and self control.  Help us to love each other well and protect each other from the enemy.  Help us to remember that our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the evil forces in heavenly places.  Keep us alert and focused on You so we can protect each other.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Isaiah 56:6-8 -- Celebration among the nations

God has a calling for more integration amongst the nations.  What a beautiful picture here of God inviting the foreigner into His home and onto His beautiful property.  Father, will you fill my church with voices of people from all nations as we unite in Your Kingdom!

Shine Jesus shine
Fill this land with our Father's glory
Blaze Spirit blaze
Set our hearts on fire
Flow river flow
Flood this nation with grace and mercy
Send forth your word
Lord and let their be light.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Isaiah 56:3,5 -- Treats from God

I find these verses fascinating and comforting for people who can't have children but I don't believe these verses are meant to devalue children because other portions of scripture differ.

For instance:
Matthew 19:14 
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Isaiah 11:6
The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.
I also find it fascinating that Isaiah is suggesting that the replacement for having your own children is monuments with your name on them in the temple.  It is true that we see monuments of saints around the world, and it is true that as singles we can invest in the lives of others more but there is nothing more stabilizing than a healthy family.

So I concluded that if we do what God says, He will honour us, with or without children.
Father, I pray for protection and the spiritual infilling of our children; I pray for singles; that you would fill them with the abundant life You have promised, and if it is Your will that You would lead them into life long commitments with people who believe in life long commitments.  I also pray for parents, that You would guide them and fill them with Your Spirit as they raise their child in the way they need to go.

Isaiah 56:4 -- Respect the Sabbath

What a GREAT rule!  God has given me permission to take a day off!  I know I need it.  I love spending time connecting with God, nature, the body of Christ, my mentor, resting, and sharing my faith on Sundays.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Isaiah 56:3 -- Integration in worship

God wants foreigners to be part of our worship.  Father, please help us to value each person You bring into our lives.  Thank you for the many ethnic backgrounds that I encounter in my neighbourhood.  Thank you for the amazing times I've had worshiping You with people from all nations.  I just love hearing the Africans praising You.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Isaiah 56:1-2 -- I will bless everyone who....

I don't think we realize that some of God's promises are conditional.  This is what God says:
  • Be honest
  • Be fair
  • I will save you
  • My saving power will be seen everywhere on earth
  • I will bless everyone who respects the Sabbath and refuses to do wrong
Father, would You help me to live up to Your expectations.  Thanks.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Isaiah 55:12-13 -- We shall go out with joy...

We shall go out with joy and be lead for with peace. The mountains and the hills will break forth before us.

Father, will You allow the Christians to rejoice again in our country as they see You work in amazing ways!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Isaiah 55:10-11 -- God's words are not wasted!

Just like the rain comes down and produces seed and food, so it is with God's word.  It produces food for thought and none of His words are wasted.  Isn't an interesting thought?  A thought that was on Isaiah's mind around 3000 years ago!!!

Father, thank You for Your thoughts as I blog on Isaiah.  It really is relevant most of the time...and just when I think it isn't You have a way of proving me wrong.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Isaiah 55:8-9 -- My ways are not your ways says the Lord

God is trying to teach me that His plans are way bigger than my brain can comprehend and I'm a very slow learner! 

A long time ago I was sitting in the computer lab at the University of Waterloo when the first e-mail reached Waterloo from Israel!!!  What a break through!  Then at another time I was trying to get my computer program to work and I was getting really frustrated.  I prayed and said God!  You know I could be using my time more productively for You, can't You help me here and just then a number came to my head and I turned to that page in my text book and there was the answer.  I typed it in and went home!  The answer was a ;...but who would have thought 30 years ago that a ; would now represent a 30 years ago God gave me a wink...and only this year have I clued into it!!!

My oh ways are so not His ways.  Lord, as You move in this land teach me to obey You even when I don't know what's up.  Work in the ways You choose so this nation will once again recognize You as Lord.

Forgive me for taking You for granted and for assuming that people are smarter or more talented than You.

Lord, please be with Jennifer.  Reveal Your love and truth to her.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Isaiah 55:6-7 -- Turn to God

God can still be found so turn to Him and call out to Him.  He's near.  But give up your crooked ways and your evil thoughts.  Return to God and He will be merciful and forgive your sins.

Lord, I'm just thinking of all the officers kids, and missionaries kids who are no longer serving You.  Father, for those that long for You will You remind them of the Father of the prodigal son.  Will you let them know You are longing for them.

For those who aren't ready to come home to their family; will you begin to prepare them.  Will You help them recognize what needs to change to be welcomed home.  Lord for the care givers, will You help them to set appropriate boundaries and give them wisdom as to how we can best love.  For those trapped in their own devices.  Lord, will You help them to release themselves of the very things that entangle them.  Lord I think of C&M just now.  You know how to best help them.  Lord, bring them to church tomorrow if that's where I am to connect.

Thanks that You're bigger than me.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Isaiah 55:3-5 -- Pay attention!!!

I hate that.  I was told once that I needed to pay attention to detail!  I'm a forest thinker and I like the idea that I can sift through all the information that comes my way and see the forest.  This however, comes at the expense of the trees. 

This is not the issue I hear God addressing here though.  God is saying pay attention to Him.  He wants to give us the treat of His eternal love and loyalty and He wants us to be a testimony to the nations, whether we know them or they know us or not.  And God wants to honour us.

Father, as You shower me with blessings please help me to value them and remember You, the Giver because I want people to give You the glory.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Isaiah 55:2 -- Satisfaction

Have you ever been in a situation where you buy something new and a week later your friend has one too?  It's happened to me. I bought a new car and shortly afterwards my friend had a new car.  I bought a new house and shortly afterwards my friend had a new house.  What I learned from this experience is that if my satisfaction came from having the newest it didn't last long and it would be a pretty expensive high. 

I love the wisdom of my Father.  He says "it's not in the having it's in the getting".  The things I've dreamed about, saved for etc have given me the most satisfaction.  It's like the calling I had on my life to take a team on a short term mission. God gave me the vision and the desire but it was surround with waiting and frustration until the day I went to God and said "What's up?"

So right now Lord, in my moments of frustration please help me to pray "What's up?" and help me to listen carefully so that I can enjoy the very best spiritual, emotional and physical food You want to give me.

I love You Lord.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Isaiah 55:1 - And Jesus said Come

As I read this verse I'm reminded of John 4, the woman at the well.  What an incredible example of how to share our faith. 

I'm also reminded that You desire to give us good things.  In my world of enough, help me to appropriately use Your resources so that I may have the abundant life You have promised. (which doesn't mean eating anything I want so that I'm overweight and get sick. :-)).  Also help me to recognize that what You have given me is really Yours and I need to use it well in Your Kingdom.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Isaiah 54:16-17 -- God and weapons

As I read today's passage I think of the Colt factory in my neighbourhood.  God even made the owners and workers at this factory and God even made the Canadian Army. 

Personally I like Isaiah 2:4
"He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore."

I like it when the Canadian Army is pulled into peace keeping missions.  Lord, I'm thinking of each soldier that was in Rwanda.  Would you give them peace in their minds after the horrific sights they've seen.

Lord, thank you for Your promises.

Today my special one is:
"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, June 3, 2013

Isaiah 54:15 -- God's protection

Today I'm thankful for God's protection. We have prayed "God keep our land glorious and free" all of these years and He's done it...with the help of the police and the Army.
Thank you Lord.

And Lord, would You answer this prayer for me today.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Isaiah 54:14 -- You will be built on fairness

Father, it's hard to understand my relationship with You let alone Your relation with the rest of the world.  There are times when I wonder why You put up with people and the cruelty they impose on each other.  Yet You do...even at the expense of Your Son!

Lord, there are 2 good Father's that I know who have lost their teenage sons here in Canada, and this isn't even a violent world!  Lord, please give these Father's peace and please help us to stop the violence.  Father, please help our teenagers to not walk into the dangerous world of drugs and thank you for all the teachers, support staff and police officers who work hard to stop this.  Lord, I just pray for our school systems here in Ontario.  Lord please give immense wisdom to the teachers and leaders because we need a world that contains authentic love!

"As He died to make men holy let us live to make men (and women) free...His truth is marching on"

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Isaiah 54:11-13 -- I will rebuild says the Lord

There are some people in our lives right now who are sad and discouraged, tossed around in a storm yet the Lord says I will rebuild with precious stones.  For the foundation I will use blue sapphires.

As I read this I hear God's calling to holiness (because the blue in the Salvation Army flag represents the Father's holiness).   We need that foundation of holiness...of blue sapphires.  Yet the holiness God is after is not a holier than though attitude.  No, He wants each one of us to be whole.  He wants to give each one of us an abundant life with a solid foundation.  Father, as You rebuild would You prepare each of our lives with Your rock solid foundation of a whole life.

Lord, of all the gems I think I like rubies the best because they're red.  Yet red reminds me of the red in the Salvation flag that represents the blood of Jesus.  Can our fort walls be represented by the blood of Jesus? 

For me, the gems in this world aren't rocks...they're people.  Father, as You teach our children and make them successful in this world will You help them to be the gems in our fort?

Lord, please bless all the gems in our world as we celebrate the Body of Christ; the church; today.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Isaiah 54:9-10 -- The gospel of peace

As I listen to this music I'm reminded of Israel.  Father, thank you for sending Jesus to this world. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Isaiah 54:6-8 -- The Lord our Protector

As a capable independent woman I still believe there is a place for a man in my life because two are better than one.  You get a second perspective and a second set of eyes from someone who wants the very best for you (of course since I'm single this is my dream world! :-)).  It's my dream world because I don't want to be the young wife, broken hearted and crying because her husband has divorced her.  I don't want to be rejected.  I want to be the woman who is taken back and loved with tenderness, and embraced again.  I don't want to be the woman who's husband is angry at me.  I want to be the woman who is loved forever by someone who wants to be my protector.

As I imagine what this would be like with a husband I am realizing what God's love for me is like.

Father, teach me how to love You.  Teach me how to pray.  Lord, teach me how to serve You better day by day.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Isaiah 54:4-5 -- Don't be ashamed or discouraged

As I read these verses today I'm thankful that being a widow today in Canada is not something to be ashamed of.  I was also thankful last week as I played around in a wheelchair that being in a wheelchair is no longer something to be ashamed of.  Satan is the father of lives and we may hear it; you're not beautiful enough, you're not thin enough, you don't laugh enough, you don't take life serious enough, you're not smart enough you're.......whatever the negative lie is, God is saying:

Don't be afraid, ashamed or discouraged.  Forget about the sins of your past.  God, is God and He rules.  He is our creator and he will rescue us.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Isaiah 54:1-3 -- More children

Lord, what a promise!  Jesus said "suffer little children to come unto me".  Father, in this world that we live in today I'm praying for Your children.  Lord, would you bless the Ready to Serve program.  Would you help our children to grow up with a deep and active faith in You.  Father, would you bring those teenagers to our prayer meetings so we would get excited in the family of God so see You working through all the generations.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Isaiah 53:7-12 -- The cost to Christ

Jesus, I can't believe you did this for us!  You were so focused on Your Father's business You were willing to endure abuse and suffering. Father, right now I think about Nigel Wright and the guards that got caught up with the Ashley Smith situation.  Lord, sometimes bad things happen to good people with good motives and we wonder why yet I see the very same thing happened to You.  Yet, Your very pain and suffering changed the world forever.

Father, thank you for rewarding Jesus with "honour and power for sacrificing His life"

Jesus, You are so amazing. "Others thought You were a sinner but You suffered for our sins and asked God to forgive us".

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Isaiah 53:1-6 -- What are you using to judge?

Way before Jesus was born Isaiah wondered...has anyone seen the mighty power of the Lord in action?  I think our Canadian young people are asking the same question.  In fact it was a man in his twenties who first told me I needed to get into the book of Isaiah.  Thanks Dan.  Thanks too Dan for your prayers.

Jesus was someone who:
  • grew up obeying the Lord
  • was bullied hated, rejected.
  • His life was full of sorrow and terrible suffering
  • no one wanted to look at Him
  • we called Him a nobody! (and many still do)
  • we despised Him
  • He suffered and endured great pain for us (but we thought his suffering was punishment from God)
  • He was wounded and crushed because of our sin (isn't this why people don't believe in Him...because the Christians so often fail Him?)

Jesus wasn't someone who:
  • was good looking
"All of us were like sheep that had wandered off.  We had each gone our own way but the Lord gave him the punishment we deserved."

Father, I pray right now for each person who has been bullied and each person that is grieving.   Lord, will you bring them closer to You.  Will You bring the comfort You have promised and the significant friends they need, and Lord, will You turn their lemons into lemonade like you did for Chris Hadfield.

Lord, help me too to remember to not judge.  Only you really know the heart.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Isaiah 52:14-15 -- No pain, no gain

I've heard the phrase, "no pain, no gain" in the world of sports but is it true in our spiritual life too? Knowing the verses I was going to blog on today I went for a walk and was thinking about why Jesus was actually killed and a song came to my mind.

"Root them out, get them gone
All the little rabbits in the field of corn
Envy, jealousy, malice, pride
They must never in my heart abide"

I wonder if this is really what sent Jesus to the cross.  Envy, jealousy, malice and pride.  I also wonder what the church would look like and what the community would look like if all envy, jealousy, malice and pride were gone!

Would we see more Holy Spirit fruit of love, joy, peace, kindness, faithfulness, meekness and self control?

Would we see more people recognizing where they fit into the body of Christ and would we see us celebrating our differences and recognizing the need for our differences?

Spirit of the living God fall afresh on us
Spirit of the living God fall afresh on us
Melt us, mold us, fill us, use us
Spirit of the living God fall afresh on us.

Jesus, thanks for your sacrifice.  If I were you I would have come off the cross but You didn't.  You're amazing and to think, You want to be our friend.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Isaiah 52:13 -- The Lord's servant will succeed!

This is an interesting title for this verse because in my bible verses 13-15 are titled the Suffering Servant.  This is a clear indication that success doesn't equal no pain.  We know this from sports yet we'd like to think this is not true in our spiritual life too.  I was watching this weekend and realized that God has made us with the ability to receive information, emotions, feelings, and the ability to think and some of these emotions are sadness, and anger, love and awe.  Tuning into God helps us to center ourselves given all of the input that we receiving....and the truth is, Jesus believed he would succeed in His mission even when things weren't pleasant because He was doing what His Father told Him to do.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Isaiah 52:11-12 -- The Lord will lead

I like this, the Lord will lead and protect.  Father, please give us love and wisdom as we live in this world of love and pain, joy and sadness.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Isaiah 52:7-10 -- I love God's promises

I like it when God is allowed to be God and this promise is amazing!

 "You're saved. There will be peace.  Your God is now King."

Let's CELEBRATE!  "Look! You can see the LORD returning to Zion."

"The Lord ...comes to your rescue."

"The Lord has shown all nations his might strength; now everyone will see the saving power of our God"

Father, I know we live in a world of choice and some people are making some very, very bad choices...and others are making some very, very good choices...where the best is making You Lord of their life.  Father, that's the choice I want to make again today.  Would You guide and direct my steps.  Lord, we need revival in this country and only You can bring it.  Would you help every person who calls themselves a Christian to make You Lord of their lives today.  Thanks a million!!!


Friday, May 17, 2013

Isaiah 52:3-6 -- The suffering will end...

as we learn to trust You.  Father, as You draw people to You will you help the fruit of the Spirit
to replace our evil desires.  Galatians 5:16-26 in my bible is wonderful.

"If you are guided by the Spirit, you won't obey your selfish desires....people's desires make them give in to immoral ways, filthy thoughts, and shameful deeds.  They worship idols, practice witchcraft, hate others, and are hard to get along with.  People become jealous, angry, and selfish. They not only argue and cause trouble, but they are envious. They get drunk, carry on at wild parties, and do other evil things as well.  I told you before, and I am telling you again: No one who does these things will share I n the blessings of God's kingdom.

God's Spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle and self-controlled.

God's Spirit has given us life, and so we should follow the Spirit.  But let's not be conceited or make others jealous by claiming to be better than they are."

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Isaiah 52:1-2 -- Wake up and stand strong

If I were to change the word Jerusalem with the church in Canada we'd be charge with waking up and standing strong.  It seems to me that as the church we quit believing in the life changing relationship we can have with God so we allowed others to mock the church... and they could easily do it because we were acting in our own strength under our own power and we forgot that God is God and He wants a relationship with us!

As I read verse 2 I'm reminded of the testimony that I heard last night..."I had a rope around my neck and then Jesus told me He had a better way".  Father, I also think of Brian's family right now.  Lord, will You be their comfort and strength.

Father, would you raise up the church around me.  Father, I need men, women and children who will join me in putting You first in their lives.  Father, I know what You've given me to do is way beyond me so I acknowledge right now that I need You and I also need the church.  Father, fill this land with Your glory.

Lord, thank you for the joy the kids in my life get when they connect with folks in their neighbourhood.  Will You make this an amazing neighbourhood to be in where we celebrate You and Your creativity in our lives.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Isaiah 51:17-23 -- Lord, my children!!!

Father, I don't know if my life is scripted by others or by You yet I know, even if it is scripted by others ultimately only You can co-ordinate things like You have. 

For instance, today You woke me up early and called me to go walking even though there was thunder in the air and ultimately there was some rain...but nothing to really get me wet...and by the time I got home the sun was shining!  I don't know if that was a miracle or not all I do know is two songs came to mind.

The first one I know is for our prayer meeting for the Campaign of Hope

The second one is a reminder

And then I discovered:

I say all of this because the verses I just read make me think it's time to pray for the kids who are out of control.  Lord, please place barriers in the way of our children who are going in the wrong direction! And help us to empower them to make positive differences in this world.

To make this even more interesting, today as I was walking I encountered a Mother who stopped me on the sidewalk to ask me to pray for her son...and others!  As it turns out, she's a neighbour of mine and has been in the neighbourhood a lot longer than I have been!  (Go God go!!!)

Father, these verses imply that as adults, we need to change and then You'll help us with the children.  We need to pay close attention to You Lord!  Lord, please make me sensitive to Your still voice and put a wall of protection around each child that a parent has prayed for today.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Isaiah 51:12-16 -- Trust the Lord

I will encourage you and I will never die says the Lord.  I gave you the heavens and the foundations for the earth.  Please don't forget Me, your Lord and Creator.  Don't be afraid of those who are angry and want to abuse you.  I will help you.  I will tell you what to say and I will keep you safe in the palm of my hand.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Isaiah 51:9-11 Spectacular Miracles

Father, so often we want the spectacular miracles at the expense of knowing You. 

Lord, I think of Dorothy and her longing heart for her Granddaughter.  Would You draw Dorothy really close to You during this time.  Reveal Yourself to her.  I think of Helen, the stranger I met the other day.  How she felt that memorizing the book of James was the only thing keeping her sane...and how little she knew about how her story played into mine and my neighbourhood.  Father, I didn't buy into Helen's thoughts that through my disappointed eyes You were working miracles in my church yet yesterday I left church seeing some of those miracles.  Lord, if the pain/disappointment brings us closer to You and closer to each other then let it happen.  Father, draw my neighbours into an amazing fellowship with You as we begin to pray together.  May it be so amazing that my non-Christian friends will want to join us.  Lord, thank You for both Andrews.  The Andrew he was willing to give his lunch and Christ used it to feed the multitudes and the Andrew who is willing to serve, who God will use to reach the world.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Isaiah 51:7-8 -- Don't be discouraged

The truth is people may say discouraging and hurtful things and insult you but God's victory will last and His saving power will never end so stay focused.  Pay close attention to Me.

Father, You know my needs even before I voice them.  I want life to be where we were when the Alpha teams were at their best.  Lord, what changed?  What do I need to learn from these experiences?  Where are you taking us now?

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Isaiah 51:6 -- For this life or for the next???

I saw that Chris Hadfield was on my facebook last night.  The Canadian we've put on the moon...and my Mother, our family tree expert, tells me he's related to me!  Yet God, you're putting this into perspective; even the stars can disappear and the earth can wear out.  This begs the question, what are we left with?  If we wrestle with what we have here on earth it may not be much but if we recognize that like we see in Star Trek; this world is just one place in our Eternal life maybe we would comprehend the love of Christ and the fact that God's saving power never ends.

Today I'm aware of two very rich families who lost a teenager in the past month.  All the money in the world won't take away their pain.  The best comfort comes from God through a friend.  Although I find God's principals so hard to grasp "Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted" there is truth in Jesus's words.  Father, would you protect the marriage of these two families.  This type of grief is so hard on spouses.  Would you turn the lemon into lemonade and draw the spouses together like they've never been drawn together before.  Lord, would you help the husbands share their love with their wives on this incredibly hard Mother's Day.  In Jesus name.

And Father, would you continue to grow the fruit of the Spirit 'love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness and self control' Galatians 5:22 in my life because ultimately this, along with my friends and family are the only investments I have beyond this world.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Isaiah 51:4-5 Pay attention...I have a lesson; God

Are you listening?  You belong to me, says the Lord, and I want to teach you so that justice will shine like a light for every nation.

Lord, I'm thinking about the folks that work for the Salvation Army in other countries and I'm wondering what fair pay is for them.  This week I've heard that the average Canadian makes $42,000/year so I'm wondering if we should strive for those working in the Salvation Army to get paid what the average person does in the country where they work?  So in Zambia this may mean $2,000/year and in South Africa this may mean $11,000/year.  Father I struggle with this because one Salvationist not working in Canada could pay for 21 Salvationist working in Zambia.  Lord, I know that our expenses are higher here.  Should we only worry about our own nations?  Father, I so need Your teaching on justice.  It's hard for me to believe that people I know, in Canada, only went to school every other day because they shared their siblings shoes!  It was also an interesting thought last night...we can put someone on the moon but struggle with getting medicine (or water for that matter) to a remote village in Africa.  Father, will You teach me how to
"Authentically love You and authentically love my neighbour as much as I authentically love myself"?

Thanks for allowing me to work in Your Kingdom and thanks for the partners in ministry around me.  Lord, please unite us in a powerful way so that the world may know You have sent your Son!