What a neat promise for Canada Day!!!! As you can see if you look through the history of this blog I've been taking a varying number of verses each day to blog on. There has been no preset agenda and I don't even know right now how many more days I have before I finish the book of Isaiah so the fact that I'm on Isaiah 59:21 today, Canada Day is a complete blessing from God!!!
What a WONDERFUL promise!
"My people, I promise to give you my Spirit and my message. These will be my gifts to you and your family forever. I the Lord have spoken!"
Father, thank you for my family both my physical family and the family of God!
Father thank you for answering our prayer God keep our land country glorious and free all of these years. You have given us a peaceful country and a good economy. Lord, please forgive us for taking you for granted! Please help us to recognize that if we can do so much with out You, how much more we can do with You!
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