Thursday, July 4, 2013

Isaiah 60:8-9 -- The ship is coming...

Today's story reminds me of the ship the Anastasia found in the book "Is that Really You God" by Loren Cunningham.  As I googled this book I was surprised to see the publishing date of 2001 because I had a copy of this book back in the early 80's.  I'll have to get a more recent copy to see if any of the stories have been changed...

The ship story is a good one because it reminds us to keep our eyes on God and not on God's projects or people.  The story goes something like this.  YWAM had discovered how to pray  with Joy Dawson's guidance.  They prayed in a group with these simple request:
God, take away my thoughts
God, take away other people's thoughts
God, take away satan's thoughts
God, leave me with Your thoughts

Then after some moments of silence each person shared what they believed God was saying.  This worked so much for them that one day they went to the newspapers in New Zealand (where Joy Dawson is from) and announced that God was going to supply them a ship. This ship would be used to train and carry supplies and once they got to a destination they'd share the love of Jesus by helping the people practically.   They were pumped and they had a nice donation for the down payment of the ship...but then no more money came in and they eventually lost the ship.  (This happened way before I knew anything about YWAM)

With this history, Loren wasn't too excited about hearing that God wanted another ship but they felt that God was saying like a seed the vision was to die before it could give birth again and in 1983 I was in New Zealand when the ship was visiting.

Before I continue with this story I need further clarification on how God is currently working but I know this ministry continues to exist today.

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