Friday, February 15, 2013

Isaiah 33:22-24 -- The Lord is judge; and He knows best

I've heard it said that the law system in Canada has little to do with the relationships between victims and offenders; it's 2 lawyers and a judge deciding on the fate of an offender.

Restorative Justice however, is about victims and offenders figuring out how to help resolve the hurt that has been caused.

A judge told me once that if you're an offender and the public support you it's better to go with a jury trial but if the public doesn't support you it's better to go with a judge.

So here we have it, various options to solve a problem but none of them are perfect.  A judge looks at the law, lawyers try to bring out the truths that will help their clients, people have emotions and issues... 

If only we could have someone who understands us and our situation fully....and we do; He is the Lord, and He's asking for our lives.  Our whole life, with the good, bad and ugly and He's saying, let me control it; let me handle your responses; let me handle your guilt; let me.... just trust me enough so that you will obey the next little thing I tell you to do.

"The Lord will forgive your sins, and none of you will say, 'I feel sick'" Isaiah 33:24

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