Monday, February 25, 2013

Isaiah 35:5- 7 God will provide and heal

I must confess; when I read this section I thought of Mark 9:24 "Lord, I do believe, please help my unbelief"

A new Christian was telling me one day that she went to pray for someone who was sick and she told the sick person she was new at the whole Christian thing but she was willing to try to pray for the person's healing...and the Dr told the sick individual that there were significant improvements!

And this is why I love hanging out with new Christians.  They're like children discovering the world.  Everything is fun and exciting and they have an amazing honeymoon with Christ.

As a mature Christian I need to get back to the honeymoon with Christ.  To remember it's not my prayers that bring water to the desert.  It's just plainly God who does this.

Father, as I read the testimonies of 2001 I know you've been working in, through and around me all these years and I thank you for this.  Father, continue to teach me knew things and continue to bring Your people back to You so that we have wonderful fellowship with each other.  Please refresh the spiritual dessert with the water of Your Spirit and please open the eyes of those who are spiritually blind and heal the hurts of those who are spiritually limbing right now.  Father, I so love You and thank You for bringing us back to a heart of worship.

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