Friday, February 1, 2013

Isaiah 30:8-14 -- Are we listening?

Would you prefer to hear the truth and not like it or would you prefer to hear a lie?  It's reminding me of the guy whose boss told him to say he wasn't there when he answered the phone. At that the guy picked up the phone and said tell them yourself.  Afterwards is boss was really ticked and say don't you ever do that to me again to which the guy said "if I can lie for you I can lie to you".

When we know people have the fear of God in them we know that God will deal with them when they fall so it can add to our ability to trust them.  On the other hand, if His people aren't listening, or are refusing his teaching and only want to hear what makes them feel good we have little assurance that we can trust them.

Then we look at the situation when God is no longer listened too.   What do we have to protect us then?  Violence and more lies?  This is a slippery slope and soon we have nothing left.

I think the most obvious example of this is how we've eliminated bibles in schools and now we have shootings instead.

Father, I think of the comment I heard the other day...this is the Sherrill paraphrase  "it's second nature for people who haven't been brought up with a Christian foundation to lie and cheat.  It's as hard for them to change as it is for us to use our fork in the other hand"

Lord, forgive us for forgetting that You have given us a foundation to live by and Father, as other's reject You around us give us the courage to still hear the the truth and the wisdom to handle those who have surrendered to lies.  In addition Lord, we know You are Holy and we are so 'not there'; will you help us along, just one step at a time with the power and influence of your Spirit?  Thank you.

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