Thursday, March 28, 2013

Isaiah 44:3-5 -- God will bless the thirsty land

Father, thank you for the promise of Your Spirit.  It's like we need Your Spirit like grass needs water.  Father, help me to be sensitive to Your Spirit's guidance.

I love You.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Isaiah 44:1-2 God's choosen people

I find it interesting, after all the years the Jews have been targeted, that they're still around and Israel is still a nation.  For me this is evidence enough that God is with them and that they are His choosen people.

Father, thank you for the impact that the Israelites have had on this world.  Please continue to open their eyes to the loving relationship You desire with them. 

Thanks too Lord, for extending Your love beyond the Jewish community so that I too can be surrounded by Your love and protection.  Father, would you reach out to our younger generations so that they too may know and experience You.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Isaiah 43:22-28 -- You have become weary

...but not from worshipping Me!

Father, I thank You for the peaceful nation and the good economy You have given to Canada all these years.  You have answered our prayer "God keep our land, glorious and free" and as I read these verses today I can see Your point.  You've given us so much and we don't even say thank you.

Father, please fill me with a grateful attitude.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Isaiah 43:14-21 -- The Lord is still creating

"Forget what happened long ago!  ... I am creating something new."

God has done some amazing things; from parting the red sea to changing the lives of individuals but that's not the focus today. The focus today is His new creation.  Lord, that's exciting.  Can You show me what You're doing and how I can play a role?

I love You.

"You must listen to the Spirit speaking and the Spirit of the Lord obey.  You don't need to know the where and wherefore you don't need to know the how and why you must listen to the Spirit speaking and the Spirit of the Lord obey.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Isaiah 43:8-13 God or Intuition

I'm reading a book right now titled "Embrassing Uncertainty" and I'm loving it but there is one thing that is bothering me; why can't they just come out and talk about the Holy Spirit as they discuss Intuition.  (actually I think I know why; they think they can sell more books and reach more people without talking about the Holy Spirit). 

This passage talks about our problem as people; we have eyes and ears but we can't see or hear.  In other words, we're not hearing the Holy Spirit speaking to us or seeing God in action.  For years I've prayed for God eyes but today I'm thinking I need to start praying for sensitive ears to hear the voice of God.  Or more importantly I need to pray God's heart's desire:

"Father, help me to know You and help me to trust You, and understand that You alone our God.  That you have always been God and that there are no substitutes for You.  Thank You for watching over me, thank you for rescuing me when I or others mess up, thank You for promising to save me and thank You for never leaving me and thank You for not allowing anyone to snatch me from You or stand in the way of what You are doing"  

Friday, March 22, 2013

Isaiah 43:1-7 -- The Lord has rescued His people

Notice He didn't say it was an easy life.  He talks of fire and deep rivers to cross...but He did say He will rescue us, He will save us, He will be with us and He has paid a great price for us.

He also promised to bring us together so that we may honour Him.

Father, help me to enjoy Your presence and represent You well today.

Isaiah 42:18-25 -- Hearing, Seeing and Obeying

There is so much noise all around us; Lord will You help me hear?  Father, you know this dark and bumpy road I'm on and You have promised to be my light.  Father, I don't like it when those around me are struggling; will you show me how to help them?  Today I woke up very tired.  Lord, will you prepare me for all You have in stored for me today. Help me to be Your obedient servant.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Isaiah 42:14-17 -- Enough!

When does God ultimately loose his patience and yell out ENOUGH!!!

Even then, He promises to take those of us who can't see on a journey we've never been on before.  This journey will have a dark and rough road but Jesus promises to give light to stop us from stumbling. Jesus promises us this.

So don't turn to idols, because they can do nothing they will embarass you.

Jesus be the center

Jesus is my light

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Isaiah 42:5-9 -- God's calling

The Lord who created the heavens like an open tent above; who made the earth and everything that grows on it; who is the source of life for all who live on this earth says:
  • Listen
  • I have chosen you to bring justice and I am here at your side
  • I selected and sent you to bring light and my promise of hope to the nations.
  • You will give sight to the blind
  • You will set prisoners free from dark dungeons
  •  I won't let idols or humans share my glory and praise
  • Everything has happened just as I said it would
  • Now I will announce what will happen next

Isaiah 42:1-4 -- A description of the Lord's servant

(Personally I think the word Him can be interchanged with her)
  • God makes Him strong
  • He is chosen
  • God is pleased with Him
  • God gives him His Spirit
  • He will bring justice to the nations
  • He won't shout or yell or call out in the streets
  • He won't break off a bent reed or put out a dying flame
  • He will make sure that justice is done
  • He won't quit or give up until he brings justice everywhere on earth and people in foreign nations long for his teaching

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Isaiah 41:21-29 -- Idols are useless

God knows. (because some times the logical thing like the appointed one from the north should come from the north don't happen)

God is able to give advice. (so let's ask for it)

God answers question. (so it's okay to ask questions)

God want a real and personal relationship with us.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Isaiah 41:17-20 -- The Lord provides

Sometimes I think we get confused between our needs and wants yet the truth is God does take care of us. Father, would you help us to use what You have given us wisely and would You provide for the folks in Malawii.  You know how faithful they've been with their projects and how far they've been stretching the $; now Lord, would you help the Salvation Army in Canada meet their needs.  Would you also help my church to grow into a deeper relationship with You.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Isaiah 41:6-16 -- God is good

Last night I knew I needed God's wisdom and I started humming a song.  I had no idea what the words were but God so often speaks to me in song (as funny as this is to everyone who has heard me sing! :-)).  I hunted and hunted for the song and finally found the words
"God is with us, God is with us..."

Then I read:
  • "I chose you"
  • "You are my chosen servant"
  • "I haven't forgotten you."
  • "Don't be afraid.  I am with you"
  • "Don't tremble with fear.  I am your God"
  • "I will make you strong as I protect you"
  • "You will look around for those brutal enemies but you won't find them because they will be gone"
  • "I am the Lord your God"
  • "I am holding your hand so don't be afraid"
  • "I am here to help you"
  • "no matter what others tell you; I am the holy God of Israel who saves and protects you."

What amazing promises.  And then the passage ends with " ...celebrate and praise me, your Lord, and holy God of Israel"...and I get an e-mail about Don Moen coming to Toronto!  Here's a sample of his music

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Isaiah 41:1-5 -- The Lord controls human events

When we see the powerful in this world sometimes we can get overwhelmed by it but that is because our focus is on them and not on the Lord.  Father, ultimately You can change any human event, please help me not to forget this...and thank You, that even with all Your power You choose to use it to love us.  Father, please help me to listen and obey You.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Isaiah 40:27-31 -- We fall; but our faith will renew our strength

I discovered my cousin's TedX presentation yesterday and in it he said he was old but he's younger than me and I'm not old! :-)

Then today I read "Even young people get tired then stumble and fall." and I have to smile.

What a treat to know that "those who trust the Lord will find new strength.  They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired."

Thank you Lord!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Isaiah 40:12-26 -- Who can compare to God

The best olympic high jumper can't jump over the CN Tower anymore than the best Christian can compare to God Himself. 

Father, I thank You that You rule even though we have free will.  I don't understand how all of that works but You do so Lord, please help me to listen, trust and obey.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Isaiah 40:6-8 Get excited! The Lord cares!

You know what, our lives are just one dot in the eternal line of life but God's word never changes.  The Lord is coming to rule and He will reward His people.   The Lord cares for his nation.  He carries the lambs in his arms while gently leading the mother sheep.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Isaiah 40:3-5 -- Prepare for Christ

Isaiah said it and so did Christ; we must prepare the soil, we must prepare for rain, we must prepare for the coming of our Lord.

I find that most Canadians are firmly planted.  They don't change quickly.  The stat's say that whatever church we were born into is the church where we'll maintain our membership; even if we attend another church!  If we, even as nominal Christians, are so rooted in our traditions why would a non-Christian be any different. 

As such we must prepare the soil for the seed of God to germinate.  For each person this preparation is different.  Some require a lot of fertilizer, some require rocks to be removed, some require...

Father, I have little idea how You are preparing the soil around me so help me to be obedient to the next little thing You tell me to do.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Isaiah 39 -40:2 -- The response to receiving.

Here people have come to Hezekiah to celebrate his healing and he shows them his stuff; not the Healer.

It makes me ask the question Lord, how do I best receive to celebrate Your people and Your goodness?

...and the answer is "Encourage my people! Give them comfort. Speak kindly"

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Isaiah 38:21-22 Healing usually requires action

I know that guilt, stress etc manifests itself in physical symptoms.  This is why I believe, being able to place our lives into God's hands is the first step towards healing.  I also know that some people are healed instantly but in many cases healing requires action.

I'm thankful for the churches who established the concept of hospitals.  The St hospitals and the Grace hospitals and the.... Thanks too for the doctors, nurses and cleaning staff who use their knowledge and skills to help make this world a better place.

Now as we add technology to the mix Lord, please help us not to forget that in an instant you can kill all the power we have. Lord help us not to forget that ultimately only You are God.

Thank you for hearing our prayer "God keep our land, glorious and free" and now Lord, I pray that you raise up a generation who are extremely serious about walking the walk with You. (thanks for already showing me the birth of this)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Isaiah 38:9-20 -- Tough times are growth times

"It was for my own good that I had such hard times. But your love protected me from doom in the deep pit and you turned your eyes away from my sins." Isaiah 38:17

"When the going gets tough the tough get going"

"Lord, protect my heart"

"Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see."

I find that when life is easy I take too much for granted.  I don't value the waiting, the saving up, the dreaming as I should.  I've discovered that the dreams are just as much fun and can last longer than the real thing.  I think that can happen with my God experiences too.  I can get so excited about "the ministry/mission" that I miss the whole point of my relationship.

Father, please help me to enjoy the gifts You give to me and delight in spending time with You.