Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Isaiah 40:3-5 -- Prepare for Christ

Isaiah said it and so did Christ; we must prepare the soil, we must prepare for rain, we must prepare for the coming of our Lord.

I find that most Canadians are firmly planted.  They don't change quickly.  The stat's say that whatever church we were born into is the church where we'll maintain our membership; even if we attend another church!  If we, even as nominal Christians, are so rooted in our traditions why would a non-Christian be any different. 

As such we must prepare the soil for the seed of God to germinate.  For each person this preparation is different.  Some require a lot of fertilizer, some require rocks to be removed, some require...

Father, I have little idea how You are preparing the soil around me so help me to be obedient to the next little thing You tell me to do.

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