Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Isaiah 66:1-2 -- God and satan

This passage reminds me of the God and satan dual...God challenges satan to make a man and satan is says he's up to it.  After all, we can now clone sheep and make robots so why not go for a real human.  Then, just as the contest was about to begin God says; "Wait! Satan, you have to use your own soil!!!"  :-) ....It's an Alpha joke! :-)

The same is true with statistics...when you don't get the results you want you do the survey again! :-)...The best part about my "Uses and abuses of statistics course" was I got a recommendation for my job from it!

Yes, there are some very creative ways to teach these days.  Thanks angels, atheists, agnostics, witches, AA members and most of all God, who made each of us for all these lessons.  May God continue to work in and through each one of you who believes in Him and may each of you who wants to spend time with Jesus celebrate with me one day in heaven.


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