Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Isaiah 57:11-13 Who do we fear?

When I think of the fear of people I think of Pilate. He tried so hard to get out of making the decision to crucify Christ but the crowds were pumped for a death.  His job was at stake.  He was caught in between what he knew was right and what the crowds wanted.  Really, when we're in this position our faith is completely tested.  Are we willing to loose our jobs to do what's right?  I think of the guards right now at GVI who had to make all of those decisions.  Thanks for JR, and Kathleen and... Lord you know each heart. 

The point is that if we succumb to doing what is wrong the long term consequences can ruin us as a nation yet God is saying, if we trust Him, over idols, money, technology etc...the land will always belong to us.

I'm more aware of this today than ever before as we accept people from other cultures into Canada.  The following link is interesting as we focus on being salt and light in this world.  I'm convinced that our Christian foundations have given us a foundation that is invaluable for our economy and peace and I'm concerned that our lack of acknowledgement of God let alone our lack of fear of Him will send our ratings on this web site down the tube.  After all, if there is no God bigger than my circumstances, and few people sharing the values of integrity etc then how do we stand up against those we fear?

Father thank you for this promise found in Isaiah 57:13 and thank you for the promise found in 2 Chronicles 7:14.  Lord, please help me to not deny You when it counts.

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